General Creation Care resource from The Episcopal Church
Prayers of the People
The Book of Occasional Service (starting page 283):
Or try these simple tweaks to the forms in the Book of Common Prayer:
Form I – For the good earth which God has given into our care, and for the wisdom and will to serve and conserve it, let us pray to the Lord.
Form IV – Give us all a reverence for the earth as your own creation, that we may work for health, wholeness and justice for all living things, to your honor and glory.
Form V – For a blessing upon all human labor, and for a right relationship with all creation, that the world may be freed from poverty, famine, and disaster, we pray to you, O Lord.
Form VI – For a just and proper care for all creation.
Outdoor Worship
Forest Bathing Print your own forest therapy trail signs.
Altar Guild
Consider using potted plants on the altar instead of imported flowers
Make sure palms for Palm Sunday are sustainably sourced
Special Seasons and Services
Book Studies
"Climate Church, Climate World: How People of Faith Must Work for Change" by Jim Antal
"Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World" by Katharine Hayhoe
"Rooted and Rising: Voices of Courage in a Time of Climate Crisis" by Leah D Schade & Margaret Bullitt-Jonas
"A Climate for Change: Global Warming Facts for Faith-Based Decisions" by Katharine Hayhoe and Andrew Farley
"Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We’re in without Going Crazy" by Joanna Macy
Creation Care Curriculum
Bulletin Inserts
Organize Outdoor Excursions
Birdwatching classes/trips
Sierra Club hiking trips
Coastal tours
Biking expeditions
Individual Choices – share in discussion groups, newsletters, bulletin inserts, bulletin boards
Organize your own Local Food Festival. Invite members to bring their favorite dish to share with the featured food. Create a collection of recipes and recommended local food sources.
Invite your local Agricultural Extension Office to present programs on composting, backyard food and pollinator gardens.
Offer cooking classes for adults and children, featuring in-season produce.
Organize a food giveaway when harvests are abundant, and people are anxious to share.
Offer classes on canning local produce.
Home Energy Use
Reduce Consumption
Earth Care Pledge Drive – encourage parishioners to sign a pledge card to care for the Earth. Provide a list of suggested actions to take.
Choose a stewardship theme of “Simple Living” to explore all year long how our consumer choices affect the Earth.
Purchase Fair Trade coffee and tea
Switch from single-use disposables (Styrofoam, plastics, paper) to washable dishes for coffee hour and receptions.
Offer plant-based options at all church feeding events
Organize trips to local u-pick farm
Have a professional building energy audit done
Install insulation blankets around water heaters or switch to tankless heaters
Install programmable thermostats
Clean/change HVAC filters monthly
Check that buildings are sealed properly to prevent air leaks
Establish a fund for energy improvements in the church budget
Repair leaking faucets, pipes and seals
Install controls that turn lights off automatically
Square Foot Garden Project
Cooking Classes
Gardening Classes – check with your local extension office
Set up a compost bin
Plant shade trees to reduce heat gain and help with stormwater management
Plant fruit trees to feed our neighbors...ALL of our neighbors
Consider using permeable pavers when repaving parking lots
Moving Forward: A Guide to Climate Action for Your Congregation and Community
Sustaining Earth, Our Island Home: A Call to Action for All Episcopalians
Trash/Beach Cleanups
Cooling Centers: Extreme Heat – How Can Churches Respond?
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